How to Know If You Need a Humidifier

Dry air is a common winter problem that comes with colder temperatures. You know that high humidity levels can cause problems inside your Maryland home, but did you know that dry air is problematic, too? Grove Heating & Cooling shares some signs of dry air to be on the lookout for this season.

Signs That You May Need a Humidifier

Unsure if your home’s air is too dry or not? Here are some dry air clues you can watch for:

1. Increased Static Electricity

Is touching your loved ones a shocking experience throughout the winter months? If the number of static shocks you suffer seems excessive, the excess static electricity is a sign your air is too dry. As we mentioned, cold air holds less moisture than warm air. With low humidity and moisture levels in the air, electrons aren’t able to travel as freely as they can when the air is warm and moist. Instead, electrons collect in one spot, which produces that big jolt you feel when you make contact with people and things in the home. If you’re bothered by static shocks in the winter, these jolts indicate that you might need to install a humidifier.

2. Body Feels Dry

Chapped lips, dry skin, frequent nosebleeds, dry throat – these are all the results of dry air exposure to your body. Prolonged contact with dry air will dry out the body’s moisture, from skin and mucus membranes, which cause some bodily symptoms that can feel quite uncomfortable. Consider installing a whole house humidifier if these dry air issues are common amongst members of your household.

3. More Illnesses

Some viruses are more easily spread when the air is dry. When air is humid, the virus particles are unable to stay in suspension for very long. In dry air, these pathogens can circulate much more freely. The more time they spend in the air, the more likely they are to travel from person to person and infect others. If viruses seem to spread like wildfire through your household when cold weather is present, increased illness can indicate that you need a humidifier.

4. Wood Damage

How’s the woodwork around your house looking these days? Is it contracting, cracking, even warping? Are floorboards creaking and doors sticking? Dry air zaps the moisture held within wood materials, causing them to shrink and break. If wooden furniture, floors, doors, and cabinets are having problems this season, consider installing a humidifier.

How Humidifiers Solve Dry Air Problems

When your home’s air is too dry, you need some extra help replenishing the moisture that’s naturally present during warmer times of the year. A whole home humidifier is a great tool that can increase relative indoor humidity levels across your home and alleviate the bothersome dry air symptoms you feel. Depending on the model, whole home humidifiers use a water panel to add moisture as air circulates through the heating system or create steam that is sent directly into your ducts to add moisture to heated air. 

By raising the relative humidity levels of your indoor air, your body and your home are exposed to more moisture. Moisture in the air helps the body retain its own moisture – as well as helps it feel warmer! You can put away the lip balm and lotion and let your skin soak in the airborne moisture to alleviate symptoms. Plus, illnesses are less likely to spread so you’ll feel healthier, too. As the woodwork in your home is surrounded by properly humidified air, it can hold its shape and function properly, without squeaks, creaks, or cracks.

Humidifier Installation in Maryland

Now that you know the signs of dry air at home, it’s easy to figure out how to know if you need a humidifier. If you or your loved ones suffer any of the symptoms above, call Grove Heating & Cooling today and request a quote for whole home humidifier installation.

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