Signs You Need a Humidifier in Your Home

Are you noticing that your skin is feeling a bit dry lately? Or maybe your throat has been sore more often than usual. If so, it might be time to consider investing in a humidifier for your home. In our most recent blog, Grove Heating & Cooling discusses a few signs you need a humidifier in your Maryland home. We’ll also explain how a whole house humidifier can help alleviate these symptoms and balance moisture for better indoor comfort.

Signs You Need a Humidifier

As the weather gets colder, it’s important that you watch for signs you need a humidifier installed in your home. Take action if you notice any of these symptoms to avoid further discomfort and to create a more comfortable indoor environment.

Dry, Itchy Skin

Dry, itchy skin is a common problem during the colder winter months, when indoor air is typically drier than outdoor air. While there are several possible causes of dry itchy skin, one of the most common is simply exposure to dry indoor air. First, when the air is dry, it robs the skin of its natural moisture. This can lead to dry skin that causes flaking and irritation. Second, dry air can also irritate the skin’s protective barrier, making it more susceptible to irritation and inflammation. Finally, dry air can also aggravate conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

This can happen when homes and office buildings are not properly humidified, causing the air to evaporate moisture from the skin. As a result, people who spend a lot of time indoors during winter may be more likely to experience dry itchy skin. 

Throat & Nose Irritation

Most of us have experienced the discomfort of a dry, scratchy throat at some point. Low humidity indoors is one of the leading causes of this condition, as dry air can strip away the protective mucus that lines the throat and nose. This can leave us vulnerable to infection and make it difficult to breathe. In addition, dry air can cause nosebleeds and congestion by drying out nasal passages.

Damage to Woodwork

Over time, wooden furniture and flooring can begin to warp and crack as a result of dry indoor air. This is because wood is a natural material that contains moisture. When the air is too dry, the wood will lose moisture and shrink. This can cause the wood to warp, as well as crack and splinter. In addition, dry air can also cause the finish on wood furniture and wood floors to fade or peel. 

Static Electricity

Dry indoor air is one of the leading causes of static electricity. When air is dry, it doesn’t have as much moisture to hold onto particles of dust and other materials. As a result, these particles become charged with electrical energy and are attracted to surfaces like walls, furniture and your body. When you touch one of these surfaces, the electrical charge is discharged and you feel a shock.

Solve Dry Air with a Whole House Humidifier

Dry air can be a problem in any season, but the signs you need a humidifier are especially noticeable in the winter. A whole house humidifier can help to combat dry air and the problems associated with it by increasing moisture levels in the air. Depending on the model you install, the humidifier will release steam into the air or add moisture to the air as it passes through the unit and HVAC system. This moisture will then be circulated throughout the house through the HVAC ducts. By maintaining healthy relative humidity levels, a whole house humidifier can help you enjoy a more comfortable and healthy home all winter long.

Whole House Humidifier Installation

Installing a whole house humidifier will increase the humidity level in the entire house, making it more comfortable for everyone who lives there. In addition to improving your comfort, you won’t experience the bothersome signs you need a humidifier. 

If you notice any of the signs you need a humidifier mentioned above, call Grove Heating & Cooling today to request a quote for the installation of a whole house humid

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